Prof. Eugen Drewermann Matinée with Prof. Eugen Drewermann

In view of the retrospective, theologist and psychotherapist Eugen Drewermann is going to give a speech. The matinée is coorganized by the German Dostojewskij-Society.
Drewermann is a profound expert in Dostojevskij and very sympathetic to the medium film. In his analysis, he links the deeply religious Russian poet's life and thinking to the great characters of his novels, also opening up the "poet of humanity's" image of mankind and god and its meaning for our time. In addition, he points out diverse references to film adaptions. In his book "Dass auch der Allerniedrigste mein Bruder sei. Dostojewskij - Dichter der Menschlichkeit" he sums up his reading-experience as follows: "There are in fact only three themes which keep reappearing in Dostojewskij's work: Poverty, guilt and death. Or reversed: Mercy, understanding and immortality of the soul. If one doesn't answer the other people cannot exist, they stop being humans. Therefore, to talk about Dostojewskij means to talk about mercy in the face of a merciless world, to talk about belief in the shadow of desperation, and - in the face of hopelessness - to show places where there is hope."

Caligari: 14.04. 11.00 Uhr

